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Theatre Productions

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School Shows


Schools, Events, Malls.


30, 45, 60 minutes.

Dune Productions introduces “Theatre in Education” in a truly interactive educational entertaining way. – a transformative service designed to turn your educational environment into a realm of wonder and learning.

Service Overview: Dune's School shows is an exclusive offering that caters to young audiences, with a capacity ranging from 200 to 1000 children aged 4 to 11. We deliver an enchanting theatrical experience that transcends the conventional classroom setting, right within the comfort of your school.

What We Offer:

The Dune Difference: Our Theatre in Education (TiE) shows are a harmonious blend of traditional Western theatre’s allure and the latest technical innovations.
Cultural Integration: Our content is crafted not just to entertain but to uphold and elevate the local cultural ethos, making it particularly impactful for the youth in the UAE.
Educational Enhancement: Our performances are intricately designed to complement your curriculum, align with the UAE Moral and Social Studies program, and echo your school’s core values.
Dynamic Educational Tools: The fusion of live music, expressive dance, and culturally resonant stories transforms each show into a powerful educational instrument.
Benefits for Schools:

Curriculum-Based Entertainment: Our shows are more than just performances; they are an extension of the educational journey, designed to be both enjoyable and instructive.
Award-Winning Talent: At the core of our service is a team of celebrated performers and educators, committed to fostering the cultural heritage of the UAE for its bright future.
Customized Experiences: Each show is tailored to create a magical and memorable learning experience that aligns with your educational objectives.
Bring the Magic of Theatre to Your School: Choose “Theatrical Edutainment: School Shows Spectacular” by Dune Productions and witness the transformation of your school into a stage where education and imagination converge. Contact us to infuse your academic setting with the magic of live theatre and create lasting memories for your students.

With Dune Productions, experience the fusion of education and entertainment in a spectacle that celebrates learning in the most creative way.

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